• 519.843.2461
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Club Champions 2019

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Mon. Morning Men

Ray Mudge skip,
John Matheson second,
Ron Weaver vice,
Barry Scott lead

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Mon. Afternoon Women

Chris Taylor skip,
Audrey Holmes lead,
Gladys Gallagher vice,
Kayla Cozzarin second

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Mon. Evening Mixed

Marie Williams vice,
Joe Brooks lead,
Chris Laitar second,
Brian Gibbon skip

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Tue. Evening Men

Brian Vink lead,
Brian Clark skip,
Chris Williams vice,
Kyle Powell second who curled for Bernie Seigmund

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Tue. Night Doubles

Bryce McGowan and Roberta Colwill

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Wed. Evening Women

Shannon Brinkman second,
Sheri Smetlzer skip,
Jayne MacKenzie vice,
Carolyn Brown lead

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Thu. Morning Men

Alan Ferguson second,
Al Kenny skip,
Jim Carter vice,
Wilf Christopher lead

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Thu. Evening Skip's Choice

Andy Blackmore lead,
Shawn Hamblin skip,
David Miller second,
Ryan Player vice

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Fri. Evening Mixed

Laurie Garner vice,
Linda Vinette lead,
Calum McGeachie skip,
Denis Vinette second


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Upcoming Events

  • Dec
    Fergus Curling Club New Years Party
    08:00 PM
  • Feb
    Paint Night
    06:30 PM
  • Feb
    Sweethearts Bonspiel
    05:00 PM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Us

  •  148 St. George St. W., Fergus
  •  519.843.2641
  •  P.O. Box 251, Fergus, N1M 2W8
  •  [email protected]


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About The Club

The Fergus Curling Club was established in 1834 and has operated every year since making it the oldest continuously operating curling club in Ontario.

We are a four sheet club of 260 members. There is a club room, bar, kitchen, and locker rooms. Much of the work around the club is voluntary with the exception of ice-making and caretaking.

The club is managed by a nine person board of directors elected annually from the general membership.