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Two Sailors

2020 Results

The first bonspiel of the 2020 curling season got underway on Jan. 4 at the Fergus Club. The first one is called the Two Sailors Bonspiel named after 2 members of the club who were sailors when they were a little younger and is sponsored by Eccelstone Financial. The two Gary Waterhouse and John Anderson have run this spiel for a number of years now. Anderson was not there this year because of a medical problem but Waterhouse and his wife Lynda did a splendid job convening the day. The overall winners was a team from Fergus consisting of L to R: Scott Gordon vice-skip, Hanna Gordon skip, Kayla Gordon second Phil Gordon lead and Waterhouse the convenor. Truly a family team from Fergus winning the first 2020 Fergus Bonspiel.

Two Sailors 2020

2019 Results

On Jan. 5 there were two sailors without a boat at the Fergus Curling Club. There was a river The Grand which wasn't frozen over like in the olden days when there was curling on the river so they decided to have a bonspiel at the club anyway. This year was the 10th year these two sailors held a bonspiel here. After it was all over the winners with 47 points was a team from Fergus with two friends from Sutton Ontario. One of the sailors and event organizer on the left is Gary Waterhouse, next is second Jeff and lead Jennifer Gleva, with vice-skip Lindsay and skip Derek Rosien and on the right is John Anderson another one of the sailors and organizer of the event.

2019 Two Sailors

2018 Results

The first bonspiel of 2018 was held at the Fergus Curling Club on Jan. 6 and is called Two Sailors Bonspiel. This doesn't have anything to do with the navy or curling. It just so happens that the two convenors of the event were sailors namely Gary Waterhouse on the left end and John Anderson on the right end. Next to Waterhouse is Riley McMillan playing vice-skip, Daniel MacKenzie playing lead, Stephanie Matthews holding the trophy and she played skip, and Olivia Beirnes playing second. They amassed a total of 50 1/2 points from the 3 games that they played during the day.

Two Sailors 2018

2017 Results

How does it happen to have a curling bonspiel named after two sailors? Fergus is basically landlocked with nearly no connection to the sea. Ten years ago Gary Waterhouse and John Anderson who are members of the Fergus Curling Club and ex-sailors got together to plan and host a bonspiel at the club sponsored by Eccelstone Financial. This year on Jan. 7 like other years there was a full compliment of 16 teams seeking the coveted trophy. This year an anomaly occurred which is very rare in curling. After 3 games from the first draw and three games from the second draw the winners from each draw were virtually tied with more than 40 points. Instead of trying to decide an overall winner Gary and John decided to put both names on the trophy and declare it a tie to the delight of both teams.

Two Sailors 2016 First Draw

Winners of the first draw were from the Fergus Curling Club L to R:
Phil Chester third, Sue Chester second, Chris Taylor skip and Robert Chester playing lead, Gary Waterhouse and John Anderson are on the ends

Two Sailors 2016 Second Draw

Jason Biehan second, Sharon Hovestadt third, Lesley Ann Bowen lead, and Craig Ireland skip from Brant Curling Club winners of the second draw. Anderson is on the left and Waterhouse is on the right.

2015 Results

Two Sailors: 2015

l to r: John Anderson (coordinator), Daniel MacKenzie (lead), Olivia Beirnes (second), Stephanie Matthews (skip), Riley McMillan (vice), Gary Waterhouse (coordinator).

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  •  148 St. George St. W., Fergus
  •  519.843.2641
  •  P.O. Box 251, Fergus, N1M 2W8
  •  [email protected]


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About The Club

The Fergus Curling Club was established in 1834 and has operated every year since making it the oldest continuously operating curling club in Ontario.

We are a four sheet club of 260 members. There is a club room, bar, kitchen, and locker rooms. Much of the work around the club is voluntary with the exception of ice-making and caretaking.

The club is managed by a nine person board of directors elected annually from the general membership.

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