2020 Results
Even the 60+ have a bonspiel all of their own at the Fergus Curling Club. The Fergus Curling Club Masters was up for grabs on Feb. 12 and something that is not seen very often in bonspiels happened with the winners of both draws were tied for overall champions with 36 points each. The convenor Sue Graham decided just to have co-champions declared for the day with both champions from the local Fergus Curling Club. There were also teams from Mt.Forest, Orangeville, Listowel, Elmira, Galt competing.
L to R: second Bruce Hawkins, lead Wilf Christopher, vice-skip Dave Freure, skip John K. Campbell and convenor Sue Graham.
L to R: Skip Rick Marshall, vice-skip Frank Stillo, second Andy Maine, lead Lorne Wilson and convenor Sue Graham.
Photo: Bill Longshaw
2018 Results
For those gentlemen over 60 years of age the Fergus Curling Club has a bonspiel for them. Feb. 14 Valentines Day the Giddy Funeral Home bonspiel was held. Teams from Alliston, Guelph, Acton, North Halton, Elmira, Listowel and Palmerston as well as from Orangeville, Mt. Forest and Fergus competed for the coveted trophy which has been going since 1999.
The winning team this year was from the Guelph Curling Club and are L to R: Rick Avery played second, Brian Paccison played vice-skip, George McCaw played lead, and Willie Bacon skip. John Kitching on the left organized the day.
Photo: Bill Longshaw
Giddy Masters Bonspiel

2017 Results
Wednesday Feb. 8 was time for the masters of curling to come to the Fergus Curling Club for their annual bonspiel. The Masters Bonspiel has been going for about 20 years and is still going strong. This year saw gentlemen from Guelph, Alliston, Orangeville, Acton, Cambridge, Elmira and Listowel as well as the local club. They played 2 eight end games and the winners from the first draw won the championship by only 1/4 point above the winners of the second draw.
The team who won the second draw was from the Fergus Curling Club L to R: skip Rick Marshall, lead Lorne Wilson, second Dave Roberts and vice-skip John Kitching. Kitching and the gentleman on the right Steve Graham were the organizers of the bonspiel.
The championship team was also from the Fergus Curling Club consisting of L to R: lead Bob Hook, vice-skip Dave Freure, skip Jake van der Valk and second Bruse Hawkins. John Kitching who organized the day is on the left.
Photo: Bill Longshaw
2015 Results
L to R: Casey deBoer, Cam Pike skip, Bruce Kaufman vise-skip, Alan Ferguson second, and Murray Gold. Lead was Lloyd Ross who had to leave early, From Harriston Curling Club.
2014 Results
Overall winners from Guelph Curling Club and winners of the first draw L to R: Rick Avery, Jerry Lassanine, Cliff Acton, Murray Woods and Casey deBoer.
Winners of the second draw L to R: Bob Allan, Bob Crane, Dave Proctor, Wayne Davidson and Lloyd Ross
2013 Results
Curlers in the masters class took to the ice in the Giddy Masters Bonspiel at the Fergus Curling Club. When the last rock was thrown there was a tie for overall championship. At 371/2 points it was decided that all 8 names should go on the trophy. This doesn't happen very often. In the larger photo is one champion skipped by Sam Harrop and the inset photo shows the other champion team skipped by John Pettit. Large Photo L to R: Lloyd Ross the event organizer, Dave Pero, Sam Harrop, Bob Grant, Graham Giddy sponsor of the event and Casey deBoer scorekeeper. Inset photo L toR: Dave Freure, John Pettit, Herman Webers and Jim Marsland. Congratulations to both teams.
2012 Results

First Draw Winners
John Klapwyck (lead)
John Kitching (vice)
Jake Van der Valk (skip)
Don Noels (second)
from the Fergus Curling Club

Second Draw and Trophy Winners
George Loney (vice)
Ken Weeks (lead)
Lloyd Ross (organizer)
Sam Harrop (skip)
Bruce Hawkins (second)
Casey DeBoer (scorekeeper)
from the Fergus Curling Club
2010 Results
Trophy winners: George Loney (vice), Lloyd Ross (coordinator), Dave Pero (lead), Bruce Hawkins (second), Sam Harrop (skip)
2008 Results
Champions are L to R: Dean Duffield, Phil Kidston, Dave Bauer, Russ Spicer and Casey deBoer who organized the event of the Fergus Curling Club
Winner of the first draw are L to R: Howard Crawford, Ron Beattie, Chuck Wehner, and Ed Kaczorowski of the Guelph Curling Club
2007 Results
Winners of the bonspiel from Guelph Country Club
L to R: Lloyd Ross host, Grant Sinclair, Roy MacMillan, Paul Knight, and Ed Davis
Second Draw Winners L to R: John Anderson, John Campbell, Paul Langdon, and Murray Becker
2006 Results
Overall winners L to R: Ken Cooper host, John Pettit, Dave Duthie, Don Brown, Ken Hutchinson
Winners of second draw R to L: Dave Bauer, Gary Waterhouse, John Klapwyk, and Jake van der Valk
2004 Results

Winner of first draw
l to r:John Atcheson, Bob Rann,Cliff Simmons, Sam Cameron from the Galt Curling Club

Winner of second draw and overall winner l to r:
Lloyd Ross(host), Ed Radcliffe, Stan Stitts, Amsey Weber, Derek Pass from the Elmira Curling Club